Current status

All systems operational
Seattle Network
Dallas Network
Website Hosting
VPS Control Panel
Client Billing Area
London Network

Past incidents

VPS Upgradee

8PM GMT TIME All Vps's in Seattle will be down due to hardware upgrades Expected downtime: 30 minutes up to 2 hours We will update as soon as everything is back online.e

Seattle Outage - Network Blips - Resolved

Software Update completed. Thank you for your patience with us while we were updating our network software.

Seattle Outage - Network Blips

Seattle is unstable right now due to updating networking software, this has caused some unexpected network blimps. Once the update has completed, we will update you. Thank you for patience, the update is for future sustainability

Seattle network disruption

Our DDoS mitigation provider has since came back online.

Seattle network disruption

Our Seattle network suffered disruption of around 4 minutes due to our DDoS provider rebooted their router without warning due to a firmware bug. Our network failed over to backup routes, our DDoS mitigation provider has since came back online.